Monday, June 24, 2013

How Stress Relief Tips Increase Anxiety by Billy Nafziger

The majority of stress relief tips lack substance and potency. Why is that? The disappointing reality is that most people lack the discipline to consistently perform these tips.
We are lazy. We do not focus. We have many distractions from family matters, business matters and social entanglements. Our lives become a never-ending "to do" list. A stress relieving exercise becomes another item on the list.
After a short time, we stop doing the exercises. Then subconsciously we start belittling ourselves. This self-criticism is what initially created the stress. As this cycle continues stress increases. Our life becomes a series of struggles.
We conclude that we need to give up doing stress relieving exercises.
That would be an error. The answer lies in doing specific exercises in a certain way. The outcome of this tactic should be involuntary relaxation of your muscles and brain. In doing these exercises, you must receive short-term and long-term benefits.
Short-term benefits would consist of relaxation, mental clarity, and a sense of relief and comfort. Long-term benefits would consist of inner strength, freedom from restrictive beliefs and profound confidence in your own abilities to deal with living.
Often stress relief tips tell you to relax, this boosts your stress level because it is so evident.
Of course we would relax if we knew how. Our thinking is saturated with the present situation and the thought of relaxing is ridiculous. What would drive us to change our situation if we would relax now? We think that we slack to much anyway. This isn't the right time to relax.
But as many researchers are finding out, our poor circumstances were created through decisions motivated by stressful thinking. We need inspired, creative thinking to change our life's position.
Again, we must find a specific exercise and do it a certain way.
As soon as we ridicule ourselves, our minds grow to be irritated and conflicted. So along with relaxing, we need to release unhelpful ideas regarding ourselves and replace them with self compassion. We need to give ourselves forgiveness and acceptance.
It's a common idea to look through the negative to the positive. Often, this leads to avoidance behaviors that do not serve us well. When we avoid our "stuff", the effect is always more stress.
One way to release the hold that the negative has on you, is to concentrate on the negative and the emotions that it produces until it naturally releases. Then adding a forgiving and compassionate series of thoughts will give you the stress relief for which you were looking.
The correct procedure for this to be effective will take some research and learning. Empty platitudes disguised as stress relief tips will be frustrating and stress building. Find a useful practice that can be done whenever your stress becomes uncomfortable.
Keep in mind that in this world you can depend on change. Situation evolve. Be prepared to help the circumstances change by using high-powered tools.
Laziness has now lost its hold and you are aligned with the capacity to overcome stress.

A Closer Look At Mental Health by Gen Wright

People are biological, social and psychological beings. All three aspects of people's lives need to be well taken care of, but unfortunately, it is the psychological or mental aspect that people tend to take for granted. Unlike physical needs that are more apparent, the things that make a person mentally healthy are not usually on top of people's concerns. This is quite ironic considering that poor mental health could actually cause a person to feel lazy even about the things that provide for his or her physical needs. Needless to say, mental health is also highly related to one's social health so that belonging to a beneficial mental health community becomes important to any individual.
The psychological aspect of a person reflects one's overall health and well-being. If one is mentally ill or unhealthy, the physical and social dimensions of one's life are also inevitably affected. It is necessary to care for one's mental health in order to live happy and fulfilling lives. As people are all exposed to daily stresses, challenges and problems brought about by work, relationships and various ways of living, it is indeed a challenge for everyone to promote a mentally healthy lifestyle, not merely as individuals but also as communities.
Among the many things that affect mental health, accidents, stress and traumatic experiences are those which cause people to be mentally unhealthy. People who are psychologically ill may sometimes take prescribed medicine for their treatment. However, everyone, whether diagnosed with a psychological illness or not, should help promote mental health by having a well-balanced life and a strong support system which may be realized by belonging to a mental health community that consists of families, friends, relatives and even neighbors who, by working together in certain activities would feel a sense of belongingness, responsibility, fulfillment and empowerment.
Mental health social networks are nonetheless useful in terms of helping one recover from mental disorders or illnesses and as well as helping an individual maintain psychologically healthy lifestyle. These networks are normally made up of people who at some point in their lives have also experienced some problems on their mental health, as well as some professionals who offer counseling and advice. A person that belongs to such a network becomes more informed by the exchange of ideas and experiences among members. It also serves as a channel for a person to express himself or herself to people who may be going through the same situation he or she is experiencing.
With the help of the internet, mental health social networks are no longer limited to people who live geographically close. Online communities and networking sites now offer help and support in the form of blogs, group emails and chat conversations for people who are interested in understanding themselves and their mental health better.
Just as anyone could have mental problems, anyone could also recover from a variety of mental illnesses. It is clear though that psychological or mental wellness is not something a person could achieve on his own, but rather something that a person could best achieve with the help of others.

Tuesday, April 09, 2013

How Coronary Heart Disease And Pregnancy-HOW Preparing For Pregnancy

Coronary heart disease, is a narrowing of the coronary artery: a large blood vessel that supplies blood to the heart. This narrowing is caused by fatty deposits in the artery itself and is the leading cause of heart attacks in the developed world. Cardiac disease of all types is, indirectly, the leading cause of maternal death in the UK. The risk of developing coronary heart disease increases significantly with age beyond 35 years and more significantly still in those over 50 years.
Large scale social changes have led to the increase in the number of pregnant women who suffer with coronary heart disease. The age at which women are able to conceive and sustain a pregnancy has, on average, increased with many factors driving this, not least, increases in health care and fertility medicine. Career and financial pressures also mean women are delaying having their first child and fluidity of family structures also have contributed to older women wishing to conceive with their second or third partners/spouse.
 Lifestyle changes have, without doubt, contributed to the rise in younger women developing coronary heart disease. The huge rise in obesity is an obvious starting point and, according to current statistics, the number of young women who smoke far exceeds the number of young men who partake in this unhealthy habit. Working and leisure patterns have also played their part with more and more jobs being sedentary and desk based in their nature and women far less likely than men to take part in organised sports but increasingly likely to drink more alcohol than is recommended on a regular basis. Should women with coronary heart disease risk pregnancy at all? This is a rather vexing question. It is only in recent times that the number of women with coronary heart disease has reached any significant level. The greatest risk posed by embarking upon a pregnancy with coronary heart disease is the risk of heart attack particularly during labour. Other diseases and conditions associated with coronary heart disease such as hypertension (high blood pressure) and diabetes serve only to increase the risk to mother and child. It is also possible that some medications you are taking to control your heart condition may not be suitable for use during pregnancy. Stopping or changing them may further increase the risk of heart attack.

 Pregnancy itself may worsen symptoms of coronary heart disease. This exacerbated form of the disease is known as acute coronary syndrome and is three to four times more common in pregnant women compared to non-pregnant women of the same age. It is estimated that acute coronary syndrome affects one in every ten thousand pregnancies in the USA. The rates are assumed to be lower in the UK but large scale studies have yet to be conducted. This is likely the result of a host of factors common in pregnancy: mobility may become restricted in later stages, drug absorption may be affected particularly in mothers who suffer morning sickness and blood pressure may increase to dangerous levels. Choosing to conceive if you have coronary heart disease is not a decision that should be taken lightly and certainly not without consultation with your doctor and cardiologist. Risks of coronary heart disease during pregnancy As already indicated, the greatest risk is that of heart attack. This could, of course be fatal or leave your baby starved of oxygen (hypoxia) which, in turn, can lead to permanent brain damage. The risk of heart attack is increased during labour and you may be advised to have a caesarian delivery. Hypertension (high blood pressure) is a predisposing factor for coronary heart disease and a condition that develops in the last twenty weeks of pregnancy, pre-eclampsia can increase the risk of heart attack many-fold. Indeed, pre-eclampsia alone has the potential to be fatal. Pre-eclampsia superimposed on (chronic) hypertension has been seen to develop in as many as one quarter of women with pre-existing hypertension.

Early detection is important to ensure a good outcome in this scenario so frequent and regular blood pressure monitoring is essential for pregnant women with hypertension and coronary heart disease. Reducing the risks Should you choose, on balance of risk, to try to conceive then you should prepare for pregnancy by taking folic acid supplements for at least three months before conception and throughout pregnancy, try to keep weight within a healthy range, eat a healthy and balanced diet, take exercise and avoid alcohol, caffeine and tobacco products - these are sensible steps for any woman wishing to conceive and have a healthy pregnancy but are especially important for women with coronary heart disease. Consult with your cardiologist to establish which drugs will be safest for you during pregnancy. For those who are prescribed it Aspirin is, generally safe to use. It may be that your doctor will not change your medication so it is important to discuss the risk and rates of potential side effects for your baby if these drugs are generally not recommended during pregnancy. Discuss whether or not you should attempt to breast feed your baby. Do not stop taking medication you have been prescribed without consulting your cardiologist. Birth choices for women with coronary heart disease are limited in the extreme and you should be under the care of a consultant obstetrician led (as opposed to midwife led) team. You should plan to give birth in a maternity unit within a hospital. Under no circumstances should you attempt a home birth or even birth at a birthing centre though, for most women with coronary heart disease vaginal delivery is possible. Wear medical alert jewellery and carry a medical alert card in case of an emergency and ensure those who you spend most time with are educated in how to properly conduct CPR.

A note to all women Certain heart conditions, including but not limited to coronary heart disease, have symptoms not unlike those many women experience in pregnancy such as nausea, chest pain, indigestion like symptoms and breathlessness. For this reason, cardiac conditions in pregnant women often go undetected. If you are struck by a sudden breathlessness, pain in the centre of the chest especially pain radiating to the arm or jaw seek medical attention immediately.

Best Regards;
Heart Disease