Wednesday, November 01, 2006

What to do About that High Stress Lifestyle That Could Be Raising Your Blood Pressure

Author: Frank Mangano

This description of a typical high-stress lifestyle may sound familiar to you... very familiar...

You get up in the morning, and you're running late, so the stress begins before you're even done eating breakfast. You rushoff to work, stressing about whether you'll make it to work ontime and then stressing about whether you'll get a speeding ticket on the way and end up really late. When you get to work,you're stressing about your job performance, your demanding boss and whether you'll get that promotion. When you're not stressing about your performance at work, you're stressing about your son's performance in school. As you're stressing over the traffic on the way home, you're stressing about your upcoming vacation plans. Finally, you're on your way out the door forvacation, but now you've got airport and flying stress!

It seems like you can't avoid it. Out of the frying pan into the fire, from one stress to the next you go. It may even seem amusing on the surface, all these little things stressing us out, but it's not a laughing matter at all. Getting control over the stress in your life can be a matter of life and death. If you're perpetually stressed and you don't learn what to do about it, you could become a prime candidate for high blood pressure -the silent killer.

Medical experts estimate that 90 percent of Americans will have high blood pressure at some point in their lives. With staggering statistics like this on their minds, researchers from the University of Pittsburgh embarked on a 13-year study to see if early-life stressors impacted someone's future blood pressure levels.

Following more than 5,000 men and women between the ages of 18 and 30, the researchers studied the subjects' cardiovascular activity through a series of rather unusual tests, including submersing the subject's hands in ice cold water and having the mengage in stressful video games.

After taking each person's blood pressure, they hypothesized that participants with the highest blood pressure readings would be precursors to high readings later in life. Thirteen years later, when the test results were re-evaluated--you guess edit--a significant number of those same participants had become hypertensive. The study was published in the American Heart Association journal Circulation.

So how do you go about minimizing your tendency towards getting stressed? Is it even possible in today's fast paced,information-overloaded and hectic society? The answer is yes and you're about to learn how.

First, I'd like you to consider the fact that I'm not suggesting that you stop everything you're doing. You don't necessarily have to slow down, you simply need to calm down. With that thought in mind, here are some action steps you can take starting today, which will make a big difference in keeping your stress levels under control, and minimizing the negative effects of stress that cannot be avoided.

(1) Exercise - Besides being good for your body, exercise is good for your brain. Exercise stimulates the release of endorphins, which make us feel happy, and at ease. It also helps to increase the flow of blood in the brain, ridding the mind of waste products that develop in the course of stressful times when mental processes are in excess. Furthermore, the more fit you are, the more you're able to cope with events in life that bring about stress.

I recommend a minimum of 30 minutes of walking most days of the week, gradually increasing to 45 minutes to 1 hour most days ofthe week. A study published in the December 2005 issue of"Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise" concluded that walking on a treadmill for just 30 minutes can boost your moodand feeling of well-being.

(2) Eat Regularly and Healthfully - Skipping meals is probably the worst thing you can do for your health. Low blood sugar levels that result from skipping meals not only slow down the metabolism but slow down virtually every system in the body.This in turn affects your ability to think clearly and contributes to stressful feelings because of hunger pangs.

Have a healthy breakfast for starters. One of my favorites is one cup of slow cooked oats, (not instant oatmeal which is loaded with preservatives) with banana, blueberries and a tablespoon of lecithin granules (very effective for lowering cholesterol). Avoid processed foods such as bacon and sausage,which are high in fat and lack fiber and nutrients. You should also eat small portions throughout the day. This will keep your metabolic fire burning hot and keep your blood sugar levels stable.

(3) Learn to Meditate - Research indicates that meditating for less than 20 minutes a day is extremely conducive to mental health and minimizing stress levels. The key is finding the time to meditate and then sticking with it once you start. A study published in the journal of Psychosomatic Medicine concluded that a short program in "mindfulness meditation" produced lasting positive changes in both the brain and the function ofthe immune system. The University of Wisconsin-Madison research team found that meditation, long promoted as a technique to reduce anxiety and stress, might produce important biological effects that improve a person's resiliency.

There are many ways to meditate, but start by finding a serene location, one where there are little to no distractions, where you can separate yourself from the world. Then, just like you see on television or in any other place that illustrates meditation, sit upright with your legs crossed and take long,deep breaths in and out. Focus as much as you can on your breathing and try to not let your mind wander. Be an observer;focus on your inner self.

One of the reasons meditation is so effective at reducing stressis because of the power of breathing properly. Go ahead and try it - right now. Take a long, deep breath through your nose...hold it, hold it.... Then slowly let it out through your mouth,and say to your self, silently, RELAX. Even with that one singlebreath, you felt a wave of relaxation pass through your body as tension drained away. Now imagine what a session of twenty,fifteen, ten or even just five minutes per day, whatever you can manage, of deep breathing meditation or guided relaxation will do for you.

The benefits of meditation are remarkable and this is not just some mystical Eastern "new age" prattle - the scientific research now proves it. One way to easily get started with a meditation is with hypnosis audios. Did you know that hypnosis sessions begin by using deep breathing to induce a state of deep, deep relaxation? In fact, when you "let go" and let a hypnotherapist guide you through it, whether in person, or more conveniently, by listening to audio, you automatically release tension, reduce stress and reach a deeper state of profound relaxation than any other way.

About the author:
Frank Mangano is a natural health expert and best selling author who teaches you how to dramatically improve your health naturally without expensive and potentially dangerousprescription drugs. Download a special F-R-E-E 38 page reporttitled, "The Best Natural Ways to Lower Your Blood Pressure,Reduce Your Waistline and Take Back Your Health" by visiting:

What to do About that High Stress Lifestyle That Could BeRaising Your Blood Pressure
Mental Health

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Depression - How Organic Nicotine Can Help

Depression - How Organic Nicotine Can Help

Author: sacha tarkovsky

Nicotine is showing great promise as a medical compound for treating patients with depression, due to its ability to affectour feelings of well being and mood.Medical research has established that smoking by people with depression can be in many instances a form of self medication,as Nicotine has been shown to relieve, at least temporarily the symptoms that cause depression.
The reason for this is the same areas of the brain that are stimulated by nicotine appear to influence our moods.Nicotine stimulates the release of specific neurotransmitters which include:
Serotonin, Dopamine and Norepinephrine.

These neuro-transmitters carry messages between the nerves cells and depression has been linked to chemical imbalances in these neurotransmitters.Medical research being carried out on the nicotine molecule is looking at the possibility of restoring this balance by taking nicotine.
By taking nicotine patients may lessen the symptoms of depression by increasing levels of the various brain chemicals that alter our moods by restoring balance.

Medical research on nicotine is on going, into it's possible health benefits in a wide number of areas of which depression isonly one.While the relationship between nicotine and depression is not yet fully understood, the initial findings point to nicotine in its pure form (outside of cigarette smoking) could provide help to patients suffering with depression.Nicotine in its pure form is safe and non toxic.It is simply its association with cigarettes that gives it a bad reputation.
There is in fact no evidence whatsoever that smoking cause's cancer or death.
The fact is, nicotine is just one of 4,000 chemicals consumed in cigarette smoking and it is some of these that are the killers not Nicotine.

Nicotine is actually a naturally occurring compound in nature and is part of the food chain with trace elements found in many vegetables for example, such as potatoes and tomatoes and evensome teas.Nicotine suffers from a bad reputation due to its association with tobacco but medical research is showing it could help with a number of illnesses apart from depression including:Schizophrenia, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and obesity to name a few.
Research on nicotine and its exact affect on depression is inits early stages, however the signs are at present that it can aid the symptoms, which will give hope to millions around the world who suffer from depression and the misery it can cause.

About the author:
A new organic nicotine drink is available which contains nicotine and fresh water with no other chemcials added. To find out more visit:

Depression - How Organic Nicotine Can Help
Mental Health

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Stress - How To Avoid It?

Author: Naldo Camarones

In our time, it's very easy to get stressed, or often nervous about certain matters. And not only adults, but the young ones experience this too. There are very effective ways to avoid stress though, and incorporating them into your life can be done quite easily and can make a huge difference in how you feel.

One thing that many people worry over is money problems.Specially the lack of it! It can lead to sleepless nights along with marriage problems. If you are deeply in debt consider talking to a debt relief specialist. Someone who understands the intricacies of how to rearrange finances to not only get lowerdebt but also save for things like a home or college can be a lifesaver.

Another associated worry that many people have is losing their job. When your income is cut-off you may face things like losing your home or having to declare bankruptcy. To lessen the amountof stress you feel in this area consider looking for a new jobif the possibility exists that you may lose the one you have.

Health problems also lead to an enormous degree of stress. It is troublesome when you are ill and if you are living with a serious illness that can create stress not only for you but for those who love you as well. Spending time with a support group can help lower your stress level and will also afford you the chance to help others, which is a great way for anyone to feel better.

Being healthy truly is the best way to avoid stress. Exercise can play an important role in this. When you are moving yourbody you'll feel refreshed and energized. People who engage in a regular exercise routine feel much less stress than individuals who don't.

Even if you suffer from arthritis or any other mobility limiting condition you can still enjoy all the benefits of exercise. Awarm morning swim helps relieve any pent up stress and also keeps the body toned. The same can be said for a yoga class.

Getting out and having fun can be instrumental in lowering your stress level. This can be anything from watching your child playing basketball with their school team to catching the latest blockbuster at the movie theatre. Escaping the routines ofeveryday life is a wonderful and effective way to get rid of stress.

If you are a parent you'll also want to do everything in your power to make sure you're children don't feel unnecessary stress. Inquire about their homework and offer to help. Speak to their teachers if you think there is a problem with their studies. Being a child can be a stressful time.

About the author:
You will find more from this author at: - Health

Stress - How To Avoid It?
Mental Health

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Reduce the Volume of Your Ringing in the Ears by Reducing Your Stress

Author: Paul Tobey

Nearly a third of the population suffers from Tinnitus; ringingin the ears. And, of that third about 25% percent have itseriously enough to seek medical attention. So, for the millions of tinnitus patients; the ones who are suffering on a dailybasis, the focus of this article is on you. I'll be sharing withyou an amazing secret which will control your tinnitus volumelike nothing else out there. The catch is; it may just be thehardest thing you've ever had to learn.

It's hard because most people do not understand even what it isthat's making your ringing louder; let alone how to deal withit. You hear it talked about all the time. Many people know thesymptoms of it but, the vast majority of people have no idea howto deal with it. And, believe me, it's your worst enemy as a tinnitus patient. What is it? What's this dreaded monster?


I can feel you getting stressed out just by reading it. But, by far the #1 way to reduce your tinnitus volume is; "Get rid of your stress."


Why is this so hard to do? Well for starters, most people haveno concept of what stress is. Most people think it's the symptoms ie: anxiety, anxiousness, being up-tight, feeling anger, resentment etc. The truth is the symptoms are not stress.And therefore, once you learn the real definition of stress,only then can you learn to rid yourself of it. So, here's the definition of stress...

Stress is; "The amount of energy you put into resisting your situation."

It's not the situation that's causing you stress, it's the energy you put into resisting the situation. So, how do you not resist it? Well, there's really only 2 non-resistant choices you can make in any stressful situation and that is to either;

a)accept it or
b) remove yourself from the situation.
Do you knowhow many people misunderstand this concept? Staying and fighting only makes the stress worse because you're acting out of fearand your ego wants to win. You cannot win, especially at the expense of others.

So, let's talk about tinnitus and stress. Tinnitus actually causes stress because of the constant ringing in your ears. The worse part about this is; when you're stressed out your tinnitus volume goes up and you get more stressed right? That's why tinnitus is such a hard thing because you're constantly caughtin a vicious loop of stress and constant ringing. That's no wayto live, is it?

How do you reduce the stress? Stop hating tinnitus. That's avery hard concept for your to accept but the fact is hating tinnitus causes more stress because you're resisting it. Don't!Tinnitus is your friend. It's here to tell you something about your life that you don't already like. It's here to tell you that you need to be taking better care of yourself. You need tobe doing what you want to do instead of what others expect of you.

Acceptance of tinnitus is the key to healing. When you acceptyour tinnitus you will reduce the stress and anxiety that itcauses and therefore you will reduce your volume. Remember,reducing stress = reducing volume. Guaranteed!

Knowing the definition of stress will help you a lot and knowingthat you need to accept tinnitus will help but, it won't giveyou the weapons you need to win the battle. I can't teach you that in one email. That's a journey you'll need to take over a period of time. But, there's no better time than the "now" to start anything. When it's 2 weeks from now it will be NOW! So,it will always be now and therefore you can only start, NOW! Are you confused now?

What I'm really trying to say is this; I know you can get a handle on this thing if you just make a clear conscious choice to learning everything you can about acceptance. If you don't try, you'll still be completely stressed out and going crazy with Tinnitus many years from now. You don't really want thatnow... do you?

About the author:
The author Paul Tobey has developed a free eReport "The Six TopWays to Reduce the Ringing." It will change the way you feelabout Tinnitus forever. Check it out... ==>

Mental Health
Mental Health

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Anxiety Treatments - Your Solution To A Speedy Recovery

Author: Brooke Hayles

Anxiety is a dreadful mental illness that can strike a person atanytime. In the world of today, there are already millions ofpeople quietly suffering from it. This ailment is seeminglyrandom in afflicting men, women and even children.Luckily, a good selection of anxiety treatments can be madeavailable for everyone. However this can vary for each group.Officially, only a medical professional is qualified to properlydiagnose anxiety disorder.

Treatments For Men:

Treating men for anxiety is not easy because of the complexityin diagnosing anxiety in males. Their symptoms can imitate aheart attack or other heart related problems. Men will often notdisclose the fact that they are having anxiety and, thus, willnot look for treatment either.
For those men who do seek anxiety treatment, there is help onhand in the form of some type of therapy and prescription drugs.There are rarely any side effects in men who take prescribeddrugs. Still, men who do endure anxiety disorders do not seektherapy as an anxiety treatment.

Treatments For Women:

Women who experience anxieties are given treatment differently.The compassion factor is quite higher than it is in men. Anxietytreatment for women includes therapy sessions and prescribinganti-depressant medications. Women are required to planappointments, since the suicide rate for depression in women ismuch higher than it is for men.
But there are some side effects to anti-depressant medicationsas there are with any prescription medications. Women arerecommended to refer to their doctor if they have any sort ofsymptoms when beginning new medications, no matter howinconsequential they think these symptoms are.

Treatments For Children:

Anxiety treatment is very strict when it comes to children. Thisis because studies have proven that anti-depressant medicinescan in fact cause children to attempt suicide. Kids are requiredto seek therapy and are supervised closely.

Behavioral therapy may also be advocated for children. There aremethods such as relaxation training and techniques ofdesensitization that have shown excellent effects in children.Anxiety treatments for children may also include a change intheir dietary habit. Caffeine is totally removed from their dietbecause it is a excitant and studies have shown that it canprovoke an attack.

Other medicines such as over the counter cold prescriptions suchas diet pills, cough medicine and decongestants are a strictno-no because of the active ingredients that infringe on theeffects of the anti-depressants.

Getting proper sleep is an excellent therapy to cure anxiety forall ages of people; but it is particularly vital for children.Studies have shown that when children have adequate sleep, theytend to be more peaceful, attentive and less likely to get ananxiety attack.

Anxiety is a dreadful condition that can hit anyone at any pointof time. It is random as it is reckless in troubling men, womenand even children. But, the good news is that there is anxietytreatment present for everyone.

About the author:
Brooke Hayles
Check Out More Helpful Information About
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Visit Anxiety Treatment

Mental Health
Mental Health

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Treatment

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Treatment

Author: Tom Berger

Article:Distinguished members of the Subcommittee on PTSD of the GulfWar & Stress: Health Project, Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA)thanks you for the opportunity to present for the record ourviews on the current state of clinical diagnoses and thedisability compensation claims process as accorded our nation'sveterans suffering from PTSD.

* First, Vietnam Veterans of America applauds this Committee forits obvious concern about the mental health care of our troopsand veterans.
VVA cautions, however, that providing the appropriate PTSDclinical diagnoses and services to assist these women and menrequires both an understanding of the stresses and stressors towhich they have been exposed and the willingness to commit thefinancial and personnel resources necessary to help theseveterans cope and perhaps eventually recover. Evidenceoverwhelmingly supports the need for early intervention andtreatment of PTSD and related mental health disorders not onlyfor active duty troops and veterans but for their families aswell. We must accept that only through early intervention andtreatment can we hope for the recovery of our troops andveterans from the mental health diseases caused by the trauma ofwar.

But as Dr. William Winkenwerder, Assistant Secretary of Defensefor Health Affairs observed in his testimony before the HouseSubcommittee on Military Personnel in October 2005, "no one whogoes to war remains unchanged." There is no longer any doubtthat the combat experiences of veterans can and often do causemental health injuries that can be just as debilitating asphysical wounds. If left untreated, post-traumatic stressdisorder and other psychological traumas can affect combatveterans to the point that, over time, even their dailyfunctions become seriously impaired. This places them at higherrisk for self-medication and abuse with alcohol and drugs,domestic violence, unemployment & underemployment, homelessness,incarceration, suicide, and even medical morbidities such ascardiovascular diseases and cancer (1).No one really knows how many of our troops in Iraq andAfghanistan have been or will be affected by their wartimeexperiences; despite the early intervention by psychologicalpersonnel,

no one really knows how serious their emotional andmental problems will become. However, recent reports havesuggested that troops returning from service in Afghanistan andIraq are suffering mental health problems at a rate higher thanthe levels seen in Vietnam War veterans (2, 3, and 4). In fact,VVA has no reason to believe that the rate of veterans of thiswar having their lives significantly disrupted at some point intheir lifetime by PTSD will be any less than the 37 percentestimated for Vietnam veterans by the National Vietnam VeteransReadjustment Study (NVVRS) conducted some 20 years ago.

Since 1980, when the American Psychiatric Association (APA)added PTSD to the third edition of its "Diagnostic andStatistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-III)" classification scheme, a great deal of attention has been devoted to thedevelopment of instruments for assessing PTSD [see Keane et al.,(5)], as well as to psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy PTSDtreatment modalities [see Foa et al., (6) and the NationalCenter for PTSD's Fact Sheets (7)]. Under intense pressure fromVietnam veterans and their Congressional supporters, theDepartment of Veterans Affairs subsequently developed a uniquerange of mental health diagnoses and care services to assistveterans with managing or even overcoming the most troubling ofthe symptoms associated with PTSD, and the VA disability,compensation, pension, and benefits system was amended toprovide appropriate financial redress for the debilitatingeffects of PTSD or other mental health disability compensationclaims related to military service. But the adjudication of PTSDclaims continues to be a complex, constantly evolving exercise affected by regulations, legislation, and the latest medical research.

Often the VA orders a compensation examination by a VA clinicianor contractor to establish proof of a service-connected PTSDdisability. However, by the outset of the "Global War onTerrorism", Congressional investigations and G.A.O. reportsnoted that the VA was experiencing a chronic and growing claimsback log which it has had little success in reducing.

Because of reductions in staff at both the Veterans BenefitsAdministration (VBA) and the Veterans Health Administration(VHA) -- mental health staff in particular -- and other keyorganizational capacities in general since 1996, too manyclinicians and adjudicators (mis)-placed an emphasis onproductivity rather than quality or accuracy and believed thatthey must see clients quickly, even if their examinations didnot yield accurate clinical data or the correct information uponwhich to adjudicate the claim. Veterans' complaints of 15-minuteor 30-minute examinations that were by the very nature of theprocess grossly inadequate to the point of being malfeasant(with strong pressure to continue these unconscionablepractices) became commonplace. Many incorrect diagnoses haveundoubtedly occurred as a result.

Subsequent VA attempts to address the problem led to significantvariations in disability ratings by region and adjudicators forPTSD-related claims and other mental health disorders. Althoughpost-traumatic stress disorder is a commonly compensatedcondition (i.e., awarded PTSD claims constitute about half ofall awarded claims and about a quarter million veterans arecurrently compensated), it is important to note that PTSD is NOTthe most variably rated disability; there are other disabilitiesfor which ratings differ far more drastically, infectiousdiseases, for example. But this misconception has led toextravagant claims by some that the majority of PTSD-relatedclaims are fraudulent and that a "secret underground networkadvises veterans where to go for the best chance of beingdeclared disabled."

In any case, by 2002 the Department of Veterans Affairs hadprepared a "Best Practice Manual for Posttraumatic StressDisorder (PTSD) Compensation and Pension Examinations" (8)containing scientifically validated assessment instruments forthe diagnostic evaluation of PTSD and guidelines for thedetermination of a service-connected disability for PTSD. Infact, several of the distinguished scientists who co-authoredthis Best Practice Manual sit before us today.

Members of this Subcommittee, however, might be astonished todiscover that by February 2006, the VA not only has issued nodirectives to clinicians and to adjudicators to use the Manual,nor provided any training on this guide, but that even copies ofit are not available to staff throughout the VA, nor to anyoneelse for that matter. VVA has good reason to believe that thereare thousands of hard copies of the Best Practices Manualsitting in a warehouse somewhere, printed with tax dollars fromyou and me, that they refuse to make available.
With that said, VVA offers the following comments specific tothe mental health clinical diagnostic practices currently beingoffered our nation's veterans seeking rightful disabilitycompensation claims for their PTSD suffering --

* VA Central Office must formally direct the distribution anduse of its "Best Practice Manual for Posttraumatic StressDisorder" throughout the VA healthcare system.

The Best Practice Manual includes the following statement onpage 6: "The VHA encourages use of this protocol when examiningveterans for compensation purposes to ensure that a detailedhistory is obtained from the veteran and a comprehensiveevaluation is performed and documented".
An unhurried, scientifically validated diagnostic assessmentmechanism utilizing current DSM-IV checklists must be uniformlyapplied to obtain the correct type of clinical data necessary toprovide accurate PTSD diagnoses. The Best Practice Manualcontains not only a standardized assessment protocol, but alsoincludes appropriately validated diagnostic and psychometricassessment tools and a recommended initial examination time ofat least three hours to perform the series of psychologicalevaluations needed to best decide and rate the claim, along witha 90-minute follow-up examination. And according to the Manual,assessment for PTSD must also include the client's militaryhistory.

* The VA must also provide the resources for appropriate,in-depth training for the VA mental health clinicians, staff andadjudicators to properly and effectively implement the Manual'sprotocol and guidelines.

Training in the use of the "Best Practice Manual" is, in theparlance of today's world, a "no brainer." But adequate trainingis also necessary for looking for, identifying, and assessingPTSD clients within the framework of their particularwar-related trauma and to ensure sensitivity using non-invasivemethods of inquiry, such as motivational interviewing. Inaddition, a staff that is thoroughly knowledgeable with theManual will become familiar with both asking appropriatequestions and recognizing physiological symptoms that may betterassist in accurate diagnoses and effective evaluations.

* The VA mental health leadership in cooperation with theVeterans Benefits Administration must change the way PTSD and other disability claims are adjudicated.

In addition to increasing the number of adjudicators (as well asproviding much better training, competency based testing, andmuch better supervision), VVA proposes a pilot project in whichthe most experienced adjudicators at a VARO "triage" incomingclaims, rather than simply handling them by docket number.Relatively simple claims can then be fast-tracked; there is noreason why a veteran who files a claim along with theappropriate paperwork for, say, tinnitus, cannot be adjudicatedwithin 60 days. Claims that need additional documentation can bereturned to the veteran or the veteran's service officer.Difficult or complicated cases can be routed to the mostexperienced adjudicators. Because the adjudication of PTSDclaims historically seems to have resulted in significantdisparities in adjudication decisions, these might be sent to aspecial group of adjudicators well-trained and well-versed inthe VA's Best Practices Manual. VVA believes this proposedchange can improve productivity as well as morale in both the VAand VBA systems and be welcomed by the veterans community.

* The VA should develop and launch an internal mental healthanti-stigma campaign that focuses on PTSD.

The stigma associated with seeking help for PTSD will notdecrease without a system wide campaign to change perceptionsand attitudes among staff and leadership. Educational programsfor VA mental health staff, veterans and their families shouldbe strongly encouraged, and the programs should present symptomsand descriptions of combat-related PTSD and other mental healthproblems, publicize available resources, encourage veterans tocome forward, and guarantee that seeking assistance for PTSDwithin the VA system will not be held against the individual.

Thank you.
About the author:Tom Berger is a writer for The VVA Veteran, the official voiceof Vietnam Veterans of America, Inc. � An organization charteredby the U.S. Congress. Learn more at

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Treatment
Mental Health

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Stress Management: What You Need To Know

Stress Managemant: What You need To Known

Author: Carl Walker

Stress management is the relief or attempted relief of stress.Stress can be caused by any number of mitigating factors andstress management has become an important tool in the worldtoday. With advances in psychiatry and psychology, more and moreis becoming known about stress, thus improving the individualcapability in managing stress.While there are many different methods for stress management,not all of them will work for everybody. One of the keys tostress management is finding an effective personal tool forfighting stress. Some individuals use little soft squeezableitems, some people use primal scream therapy, some people takeup hobbies, many people find running an effective means ofstress management. Whatever means an individual decides onusing, it should be something that is readily available to them.

Stress management is of ever increasing importance in the worldtoday. Stress has many causes including coming from the home,from work and from a large number of outside sources over whichthe individual has little or no control. Stress, like stressmanagement is different for everyone individually. Stress can becaused by pressures at work or with children or spouses at home.Stress can be a direct result of deadlines or urgency created bycircumstances surrounding us. Whatever the cause of the stress,finding a viable means of stress management is equally importantto physical health and mental health.

Direct links have been found between levels of stress andphysical health. It really is true that laughter is the bestmedicine. While this may sound simple enough, not everyone hasthe ability to laugh their stress away, nor can anyone, laugh atstress all the time. Finding an effective means of stressmanagement is important for physical well-being. Stress is known
healing itself effectively. An effective program for stressmanagement is scientifically proven to keep people healthier forlonger periods of time.

Many people own pets to help them relieve stress. Aquariums havebeen known to lower blood pressure and help in stress managementwhile being low maintenance and easy to take care of. While thissolution for stress management may not work for everyone, it isat least, one option.

Whether stress management is accomplished through a creativeoutlet like running or other personal hobbies, owning pets, orother means of vigorous physical effort which will lower theadrenal production to help reduce stress and stress levels inlife, stress management is an important factor to consider.Stress management is not only an urgent need in today'sfast-paced lifestyle, but an important factor in both physicaland mental health.

About the author:
Free Self Improvement examines all aspects of self improvement:hypnosis, meditation, motivation, personal development.
stress reduction.

Stress Management: What You Need To Know
Mental Health

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

UN Warning on Child Mental Health

UN Warning on Child Mental Health

Up to one in five of the world's children is suffering mental or behavioural problems according to two UN agencies.The World Health Organization and the United Nations Children's Fund warn that this will lead to serious public health problems in the future unless more is done to address the issue.They pin the blame on rapid social and economic change and poverty.

Children growing up in war zones face the toughest problems but experts also warn that those in countries such as the UK are far from immune.The report highlights big increases in depression and suicide among children and adolescents. Children who are depressed will also be prone to other illness. Depressive disorders are the fourth leading cause of disease and disability, and are expected to rise to second place by 2020.

Best regards,

Adolescent deaths
Every year, nearly 1.5 million adolescents die from substance abuse, pregnancy-related complications, suicide, injuries, and violenceAdolescents account for approximately 50 percent of all new HIV infections.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Mental Health

Mental Health
Most experts consider mental health as a continuum. Thus, an individual's mental health may have many different possible values. Mental wellness is generally viewed as a positive attribute, such that a person can reach enhanced levels of mental health, even if they do not have any diagnosable mental illness.

This definition of mental health highlights emotional well being, the capacity to live a full and creative life and the flexibility to deal with life's inevitable challenges. Many therapeutic systems and self-help books offer methods and philosophies espousing strategies and techniques vaunted as effective for further improving the mental wellness of otherwise healthy people. Positive psychology is increasingly prominent in mental health.


Freedom in Mental Health Blog

Freedom in Mental Health Blog. A blog committed to the creation, realization, exercizing and fulfillment. of social justice, human rights, self-determination and freedom